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Human Resource Management System

Human Resource Management System


Human Resource Management System [HRIS]

Human Resource is considered as the backbone of any economic enterprise. Besides land, capital and technology, Human Resources is the key factor for building and developing a nation. So, Human Resources activities should be tracked, monitored and reviewed through proper means of automation. HR automation process encourage people to exercise a degree of choice on how and how well they do their job. In other words, they help induce employee discretionary behavior which makes people work and improve performance. This happens because the HR automation and practices develop positive employee attitudes or feelings of satisfaction, commitment and motivation.

Features & Benefits

Centralized Web-Based System
Parameterized Business Rule
Dynamic Report Format Option
Data Transfer and Import Option
Integrated, Consistent Information
Reliable and Increased Functionality (Reduce Operational Difficulties)
Easier Communications Across the Organization
Increases Organizational Transparency and Responsibility
Facilitates Strategic Planning
Increased Security of Data
Ability to Provide Better Customer Service


Employee Profile
- Employee Information
- Relative & Reference Information
- Education & Training Information
- Experience Information
- Nominee Information
- Upload Photo & Signature
- Employee Transfer
- Employee Promotion
- HR panel / Dashboard
Employee Salary Package
- Salary Structuring
- Salary Generation & Disbursement
- Benefit & Deduction policy definition
- Salary Advance
- Bonus definition
- Increment process
- Yearly incentive allocation through benefit
Leave & Attendance
- Weekend & Holiday Calendar
- Leave Rule
- Leave Application
- Leave Cancelation
- Holiday Work
- Compensatory Leave
- Office Time Setup
- Attendance Collection
- Visit Record
- Attendance Generation
- Attendance data import from excel file
Provident Fund & Gratuity
- PF member Setup
- Deduction from Salary
- PF Loan
- Investment
- Frequency wise profit/Interest Accumulation
- PF Accounting
- Interest / Profit disbursement
- PF Balance sheet
- Final Settlement
- PF Accounting
> Chart of Account
> Account head setup
> Transactional/ Journal voucher
> Cash book
> Bank book
> Current balance
> Inward Cheque management
> Outward Cheque management
> Month closing
> Financial year closing
> Reversal journal
> Integration with existing payroll module
- Yearly Training Calendar
- Trainer Information
- Training Information
- Training Requisition
- Training Schedule
- Training Evaluation Information
- Map with KPI (Performance Appraisal)
Appraisal Management
- Define individual KPI’s
- Allocate weightages to individuals KPI’s
- Evaluation score based on weightages
- KPI result publishing
- Supervisor and Management evaluation
Income Tax Management
- Eligible Employee list
- Provision Amount Calculation
- Income Tax deduction Through Salary
- Actual Tax calculation at year END
- Deducted amount re-imbursement
- Salary certificate for income tax generation
Bills Management
- Medical Bill
- Entertainment
- Conveyance
- Mobile/Telephone/Internet
- Exam/Training Fee
- Project Expenses
Employee Separation
- Generate Final Receivable
- Generate Final Payable
- Final Settlement Process
- Release Later Issue
- Issue Experience Certificate
- End service benefit identification through final receivable and final payable
Personal Loan
- Loan Application
- Loan Disbursement
- Re-Payment Schedule Generation
- Repayment Collection through Salary
- Loan Closing
- Loan Write-off
Recruitment Management
- Recruitment requisition by HoD
- Department wise workforce budget
- Recruitment Summery
- Job circulation according to recruitment summary
- Recruitment portal
- CV Upload from Other Sources
- CV bank for storing all CV
- CV filtering
- Recruitment test design for circulated job
- CV Short List
- Test Taking Personnel Add
- Mail Notification to Applicants and Test Taking Personnel
- Applicants Attendance
- Evaluation of candidates
- Job Offer to the Finalize Applicants
- Appointment of selected candidate through joining process
