SEIP Selection Criteria & Process
Trainee Selection Process
Trainees will be selected based on the trainee selection criteria described above. Following strategies in the trainee selection process will be followed:
- Distribution of leaflet, advertisement in print and social media at the beginning of every quarter;
- Launching strong awareness campaign to make people aware of the benefits of the SEIP training;
- Social mobilization at community level to identify and recruit the most eligible trainees;
- Attitudes, aptitudes, aspirations, and commitment of trainees will be assessed through interviews for selecting most suitable trainees;
- A trainee selection committee will be formed at LEADS Training & Consulting Ltd.
- The institution shall keep the records of list of trainees applied for enrolment and selected trainees duly signed by the selection committee. The institution shall also keep the minutes of the selection committee incorporating the process of selection of trainees and other related documents.
Step 1: Online registration
Interested applicant can complete online using on-line registration platform of BASIS or LEADS Training & Consulting Ltd. For on-line registration applicants need to provide following information:
- Personal details
- Educational qualification
- All the related information of the trainee
Step 2: Short listing
Interested applicants will be invited to sit for admission test. The format of the admission test could be the face-to-face interview, written or both. Applicants selected through the admission test will be notified for enrollment through SMS and email.
Step 3: Final Enrolment
- Selected applicants will be duly enrolled on submission of necessary records including (i) photocopy of NID/BCN (ii) documents relating to academic qualification
- Information of the enrolled trainee will be up-loaded on the SEIP Training Management System (TMS) by LEADS Training & Consulting Ltd.
- All the trainee selection and enrolment process will be documented and preserved for monitoring as well as for other administrative and financial purpose.
A waiting list of suitable applicants will be maintained and considered in the upcoming/ next batches
LEADS Training & Consulting Ltd. will conduct periodic /formative assessment every 15 days/ 30 days based on the duration of the courses to assess the progress of trainees. Based on the assessment, LEADS Training & Consulting Ltd. will redesign lesson plan and conduct extra sessions, if needed. Formative assessment can be either written or oral. Documents relating to formative assessment need to be preserved at LEADS Training & Consulting Ltd.
Trainees will be awarded a certificate after successful completion of the course. BASIS-PIU will prepare certificates. Certificate will be signed jointly by the head of institute and the president of BASIS.
In case of any query, please call us at: 01847179477, 01811448063