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  • LEADS Tower, M-20, Main Road 1, Section 14, Mirpur, Dhaka 1206, Bangladesh

Shaikh Abdul Aziz

Shaikh Abdul Aziz




Mr. Shaikh Abdul Aziz, born on 07 February 1941, had his education in Commerce at the University of Dhaka during early 60s, and then did his MBA from the Institute of Business Administration, Karachi, Pakistan in 1965, majoring in Marketing. The same year he took up a job with Pakistan Tobacco Company Limited, which became Bangladesh Tobacco Company Limited in 1972 after the liberation of Bangladesh and is now called British American Tobacco Company Bangladesh (BAT).

He had extensive exposure in various activities of the company. Starting in a Field Sales position, he moved to Procurement, Corporate Planning and then back to Marketing, becoming the National Sales Manager in 1980.

Mr. Aziz left Bangladesh Tobacco Company Limited in July 1983 to become an entrepreneur. He ventured into the uncharted territory of business, starting with the RMG sector, a very challenging subject in those days. He established a company producing and exporting Ready-made Garments.

1992 brought about a major change in his business life when he entered the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Industry and formed LEADS Corporation Limited.

Mr. Aziz played a major role in convincing the Government, in 1997, about the need for extending special assistance to this sector, which eventually led to the creation of Bangladesh Association of Software and Services (BASIS).